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Erald 363d
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Alexa Machado
Senor Pequenos
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Preston 362d
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Alexa Machado
Jess Ducoing 362d
Jess Ducoing
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Alexa Machado
Alexa Machado 362d
Alexa Machado
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okay i have a problem and i need some advice so my boyfriend and i just rented our first apartment apartment and he has worked really early in the morning at like 4am and he uses an alarm that's like super loud and annoying to wake up and i have PTSD because i was woken up abruptly for a medical emergency and since then any noise in the middle of the night or in the early morning like jars me awake and I'll have panic attacks and like it's really bad and so I'm wondering because we're sharing a bedroom it's a one-bedroom apartment like how how do we juggle this how like does he not use an alarm do I need to do something different so I'm not affected by the alarm like how can we Where's the compromise here where we can both like get what we need?
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This is a great question as I'm in my partners also said to me because I I use the very loud like Bella read alarm get a bad thing so what we did that that made a difference was we changed it to a lack of birds chirping with a more relaxing sound or the other solution is he was Wireless headphones as comfortable but in one ear and then
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I actually really like the idea of the wireless headphones that might be something to talk about.
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Well that sounds terrible, so I'm really sorry for your experience with that. I have PTSD with knocking in the middle of the night, like loud knocking, and it doesn't even have to be in the middle of the night I guess, but so I get that to an extent. So I mean either just like a quieter, like a sing-songy alarm, or like getting an Apple Watch or something that will like buzz him and wake him up, but won't be loud and won't wake you up might be a good idea. I don't know.
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Oh my God I'm so sorry to hear that sleep on the fucking couch damn he got fucking work in the morning get your ass on the couch
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Have you tried using your plugs so I don't know I don't know I don't use them I don't know if they actually work or not but that may be why you would still have to like somehow wake up if you have stuff to do though but yeah maybe try that I don't know
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I would but I can't have sensory deprivation because I have tenonitis so I have to have a fan running. I have to hear some sort of noise so like blocking it out isn't going to be helpful. So yeah, otherwise I would totally wear your plugs.
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You can try a combination of different things on I've stuck with earplugs before and nothing wakes me up when I have those and I know it's different for every person but that's when you can try one thing that I do personally that helps me wake up just because I have a super hard time waking up and I'm very heavy sleeper is I wear my Apple Watch to bed and it will vibrate with my alarm so I have some that's physically waking me up and I can silence it to
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That, everybody keeps telling me to try or tell him to put it on like the vibrate or the buzzing so I think I'll try that first.
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Oh yeah, I like the idea of it buzzing instead of like making an actual sound. That's a good idea too.
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