The Red Flag 🚩 Series #6: She’s Bad with MoneyFrom Chapter 4 of the Unplugged Alpha written by Rich Cooper: Why it’s best to avoid women who demonstrate a lack of financial responsibility and have zero self control when it comes to spending money.
Red Flag 🚩Series #5: She Keeps Past Men AroundFrom chapter 4 of The Unplugged Alpha, Red Flag #5. Why there should be no room in your woman’s life for ex-boyfriends, past casual partners, or even male “friends” if you are in a Long Term Relationship (LTR) with her.
The Red Flag 🚩Series # 4: She Competes with YouA woman that constantly tries to compete with you is demonstrating an underhanded behavior that ultimately aims to reduce your worth to her. Part 4 in a 20 part series of the riskiest red flags that men need to be aware of as they navigate their life around women.
The Red Pill: Does age matter?Moff & Bryan discuss what it means for guys to view the world through a red pill lens, and how this perspective may differ depending on age.