A Dad of the Torah Definitely gonna miss stereo, but glad i could leave behind some torah stuff behind so people can listen and grow from it. Thanks stereo, that time is drawing nearer and nearer here
A Dad of the Torah Loving that we’re connecting beyond politics now. Finally, on to making money with everyone
A Dad of the Torah People who complain take too much eartime. How are you gonna avoid wasting your ears away?
A Dad of the Torah Hope you all are doing well! Let’s hear more politics after today since it’s all over!
A Dad of the Torah Learning the power of the blockchain. The ability to decentralize law as well is incredible. Having two party members agree to terms and it be visibly seen across the world!
A Dad of the Torah Thu|23Oct19|10:05pm Shalom - without the spirit of yeshua we'll be a servant of another nation
A Dad of the Torah Thu|23Oct19|11:36am There are those that are safe by following Torah - and those that can hear people that speak Torah with the spirit of השטן
A Dad of the Torah Tue|23Oct17|09:38pm Lately I've been fighting my desire to stay on this app - with nobody talking Torah or Hebrew anymore though I just have to stick with my group it's seeming like - farewell soon
A Dad of the Torah Mon|23Oct16|07:41am America sincerely needs to keep their pockets out of this and let Great Britain clean up their promises between Israel and Palestine
Anonymous Time to be Woke 🥷🏼🥷🏽🥷🏾����🏿 choose your own adventure @forty-akers @p.0.w @noor @jerseyworthy @justdre @bigboy225 @a-torah-dad @goldenwolf12 @teeteelioness @shaebutta @joyfletch
Ask 40 Aker or Big Boy to tell you if you are "human" or not. That's right, if you don't look like them, you are Not Human🤧 Click the link.. it's hilarious/disgusting🤮
Anonymous Hmm? Wut? @cuntymcshitbals @midwestatheist @marshal_law @haqq74 @stupid_angry @im_with_stupid @a-torah-dad @daddychill76 @justdre @dantheskeptic
Anonymous @serenityearth @itsmarcelthough @jerseyworthy @educationmatters @rumi_221b @joyfletch @covertadvocate @malik_718 @shaebutta @laylaybaybay
Anonymous Women can't raise men on there own no matter what they say they can't... they even fuck up the majority of women too let alone men
Anonymous @justdre @jerseyworthy @gabriel0505 @malik_718 @p.0.w @a-torah-dad @leox39 @nelly.58 @therealfreudscigar @dantheskeptic
Anonymous So from an atheist perspective... can we say this corruptions from religious text @marshal_law @midwestatheist ... @haqq74 @a-torah-dad LMK KEEP IT RESPECTFUL EVIDENCE BASED @deeprichthinker
A Dad of the Torah Putting our guilt aside, if black people (as a monolith) decided not to work for 7 years, what would our nation look like after those 7 years?