Jang So-Mi I overthink, overlove, overfeel, and overstress. What sign am I? #guessthesign #zodiacsigns
Chris Aka Ace Studs Of Stereo Promo!! Zodiac Wars!! You ready for the battle! #Watersigns #Bigpiscesgang!
Tré way Zodiac wars this week!!!!Leo promo tonight 6pm EST & Thursday, January 26 7pm CST 8pm EST! BE THERE!!!
Mac Da Leo The highly anticipted #ZodiacWars is next Thursday 1/26!!! Where my Libras ♎️⚖️ at! Stand up!!!
Tré way 🆘 zodiac wars is only two days away!!! 🔥 are ya’ll ready?! THIS Thursday, January 26 7 PM central 8 PM eastern time!
Ist RealestQween Of Stereo Yes, I 👻 people that step over my boundaries. I'm not repeating myself after warning you. #zodiacsigns #fidoxx