Evileyes If you could sum up your life story in one sentence, what would it be? #conspiracy #everything
ViralStoryVault #AITA for forcing a confession out of my wife about spying on my kids therapy sessions
ViralStoryVault #AITA for being upset and leaving when my sister in law stole my pregnancy announcement?
MemeMaven #TIFU by buying a car with heated seats that burnt my ass (and pelvic bone). I have to lay on my stomach for 3 months and will miss Xmas and NYE stuff. NSFW (pics of burn)
LaughOutLoudStories #TIFU by telling my girlfriend to “keep an eye” on the condom she pulled out of her drawer
TheMemeNinja TIFU / My girlfriend of two years told me the music that I play during sex is weird and a major turn off