Melanin Seduction 📣 CALLING NEWBIES TO STEREO!! Save 👏🏾 the 👏🏾 date 👏🏾! #StereosGotTalent #GetNotified 👇🏾
ᗷčƙṩᗛṀĭĺĺĭɵŋ Me Rolling in #StereosGotTalent this Thursday!!! I HOPE Y’ALL READY @ereed & @jerseyworthy #AllTalentsWelcome #NetworkIrNoWork #LongestRunningOpenMic #SGT #EReed #JerseyWorthy #LetsGetItLetsGo
Bunny Jay Stereos Got Talent Is Back 🔥🔥🔥 Yall Make Sure Yall In the Building @ereed @jerseyworthy This Thursday 🔥🔥🔥 #bunnyjay #StereosGotTalent
Melanin Seduction RSVP for SGT 🔥🎤 #BingeAndRewind #Fyp #ForYou #Art #StereosGotTalent #SilkyBathrobe #VentSession
Vinnie Blanco As we prep for a new season of #StereosGotTalent with @jerseyworthy and @ereed, I’d like to forewarn you that if you come on the mic with a freestyle like this - I’M VIOLATING! #KevinHart #freestyle