Julieprunes The third part of a Classic Stereo “love” story... #humor #funny #stereoapp #accountability #relationships #GriftGang
Julieprunes Maaaaan, I love a cocktail. What cha gonna make me, huh? #julieprunescocktails #travel #drink #cocktails #mixology #GriftGang
Julieprunes If aliens landed and said “take me to your Leader” who would be the person you would trust to give a true account of what the world was like today? #fyp #conspiracy #GriftGang #aliens #relationships
CůŋŧBïrð Sůbłïmïs Whippin' Into The Weekend Like... #TGIF #WorkHardPlayHard #GriftGang #ComeGetSome
CůŋŧBïrð Sůb��ïmïs I'm Still The Liquor... For 1 More Day 😅 Cheers, Genitals #SobererOctoberer #GriftGang #Alcohol #Health #StereoFam #TeamWork #SupportYourFriends
Julieprunes 10 songs. A point for each correct title and each artist - Answers in link below imax 20 points just put your SCORE in comments. Answers below. #DailyIntroQuiz #julieprunes #stereo #fun #griftgang
Julieprunes #ArtChallengeGame Day 6 - Dollhouse (see link for details) #zombie #fyp #griftgang #griftgirls #creativity #inspiration #art #stereo #fun
Julieprunes What’s your idea of cocktail HEAVEN/HELL..? #travel #cocktails #julieprunes #fyp #trending #GriftGang
Anonymous The third part of a Classic Stereo "love" story... Find parts 1 and 2 by using the first few hashtags... #humor #funny #stereoapp #accountability #relationships #GriftGang #DoBetter #fyp #trending
CůŋŧBïrð Sůbłïmi��s "Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty.” -Derek Zoolander 😂😘 Stay Hydrated Peeps 💦✌️#Water #Aveda #GriftGang #StayBeautiful