Risupastar As a kid have y'all ever felt uncomfortable being around certain people that your parents would allow you to be around with?
Nicolaaaa Would you rather lose all the money you made last year or all of the memories you made last year?!! #questiontime #wouldyourather
Sƈσƚƚყ Is there ever a Good Time to fat shame?🧐😭 #stereo #BattleRoyale #QueensOfStereo #KingsOfSterei
CindyTamy Vuelve MATE & CAFÉ a @stereo . Todos los miércoles en vivo o por diferido en mi canal o el canal de @begodavila . Los esperamos!
Wirm Million To keep this Artistic and Cultural theme going; Do the practices of non Western cultures make you uncomfortable? Im interested in your answers! ✌🏽