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Lj 227d
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Jay 227d
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Jay 227d
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If you had a choice to get rid of one fast food in your area, what would it be and why? Mine is McDonald's because I just hate their food and I get sick every time I eat it. What about you guys?
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I'd say Burger King never ate dead, but why am I not surprised a chubby girl like you is talking about fast food? Why am I not surprised? Maybe if you stop focusing on fast foods and actually go to the gym and get fit and healthy, you actually get somewhere in life and you know, you won't drop dead anytime soon from a heart disease. So yeah.
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What's sad is the fact that a male like you is just sad in his own body He's a little puss baby because his dad didn't give him all the attention that he wanted now I'm healthy weight. I am NOT overweight You have body images on your own self my love now Why don't you go come back and have a nicer conversation when you've had a better conversation with your father. Thank you
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Are you that salty and butthurt that you bring my dad into it or I don't even know who left when I was four years old? I'm trying to help you. I'm trying to give you some advice, like we can all tell by your fucking four or five chins that you are not fucking healthy weight, right? Get on a diet, right? I'm trying to help you to save your life. There's nothing to be ungrateful bitch about, fucking hell. I'm trying to stop you from having a heart attack.
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Okay, hear me out. If I'm supposed to be healthy, then why don't you pay for me to have a healthy diet? Not everyone can afford a healthy diet. Not everyone can afford healthy dietary. So when you wanna tell me to, you know, put myself in a better body image, why don't you help me pay for my better diet then?
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Also, I'm not butthurt. I'm actually pretty positive about my body. Um, I'm not overweight. I'm like 130. That is like nothing. That's just a little bit obese. You're talking about obesity? Where people cannot even move. I can- I can physically move and I can go everywhere. I have a job. I have, um, a family. So, yeah. Um, you know.
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Surely you're not this dumb old delusional, right? Surely. People can still be obese and still be able to move. Yeah, you're a little bit obese. Exactly. How's that practically nothing then if you're a bit obese? You're contradicting yourself. And again, right, why is it women relying on men for money nowadays? Fucking sort it out and make your own money. Get a job, right, and save some money. Go to a gym. And, you know, pay for healthy food.
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Um, you know what buddy, why don't you go on Pornhub and go look up Big Goth Titty Mommies, and I hope you will find some love for obese women, okay? Because I think you've just never really seen some skin and it's really hurting your feelings the fact that a woman has told you off Okay, goodbye, buddy
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Also, I do have a job and I do pay for my own food. I don't rely on men. I was only saying that because if you're wanting me to get a diet, then why don't you buy the food for me then? like
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