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Alora 537d
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Alora 537d
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Talk about someone you hate in the comments or like bro, it'd be funny the way.
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I'm gonna have to reply to my comment a lot, but anyways, there's a student named Mason He has for a face reveal. I did that we met on like my like we met on an Oculus game and all this Yeah, but um, he lied about his age.
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I hate people who go up to someone that's wearing some kinda like sweater or sure of a bend and be like they even listen to that band name five songs of the bed like oh my fucking God mind your own business
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Um, so he lied about his age and he asked for a face reveal so I gave him a face reveal. He saved photos of me without my permission. oh my fuck
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I didn't even know he saved photos of me. Like... I was just talking when I found out he did. He sent photos of me to a group chat. Well, only one photo should like half my face. One of my friends who doesn't know what I look like was in that group.
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Like one, why would you have photos saved me and two, why would you send a half photo of my face to one of my friends without my permission? Like what? What? He's a fucking creep
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Then he said, well, I thought I had a real friend, not a fake friend. So did I! I thought I had a loyal friend, but no, he backstabbed me. Like, he's trying to make me out to be the bad guy.
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And he kept trying to like make me laugh and all this so I'd forgive him but no I didn't. He kept saying that oh he liked you anyways and all this. bitch no we didn't we're just friends like that's why I hated him
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But anyways, my friend said, uh, because you know one day you're gonna have to do a face reveal and all this. I was like, yeah, I know. A few hours later, Mason came to group chat and saw that and said, LOL, my friend said what? Oh my god.
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And not to like not to forget but like he told everybody my biggest insecurity which that I should have just Dropped him right there and then after he said that but anyways this motherfucker said they're not the best-looking person I've ever seen. Excuse me?
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But anyways, he said like my friend said no, that's not her I know what she looks like and there's just all this drama and he sent like a picture I'm saying this is her and he really thought I was like bitch How the fuck could I get multiple pictures of my of a random ass purse?
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And how could I send you snaps in my face? And say, oh, one of you are lying like, is that really you or not? Bitch, how the fuck could I send you snaps of a random ass girl? Excuse me? He's done the spot.
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Plus I'm sure my friend was just trying to stick up for me, like, cause he knew I was not ready to do a face reveal, but he sent photos of me anyways. So I guess that's why my friend lied about, like, he knew what I look like. Anyways...
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I hate this woman's name Maria because she was trying to tell with the girl that I'm talking to you that you shouldn't get at me and let me and her had matching hairs and I kept stuck her page and I was a fucking Las Vegas what she was telling her dishes so I could've Mexican for myself and I really fuck with me if I wanna be your ass
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I'm probably gonna make two of these. The first one, I hate this bitch. She's so motherfucking... She's a bitchy. She's a bitchiest bitch who will ever be in a fucking life. She's a pig me. The fuck. Um... She will never get over herself, but she thinks the whole world revolves around her. Like, if you spend one day with this bitch, you're gonna push her off a motherfucking cliff. That's all I gotta say. Oh, and specifically, of course, a book she already messed up.
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oh my god there's this one fucking girl and i was friends with my best friend for six years no it was seven actually seven years this girl who we've known for one month well we knew her a bit before but for like one month before that and then we stopped being mates for like a year because she said that she's gonna stab her cat to death and everything i mean i'm on about actual catnaps
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And so, that girl, she's called Shanae, she got in contact with us and I was like, no I'm not being friends with you again, you literally said that you will stab her pet that went missing to death and everything, so no, but my best friend of 6 years accepted it so I just went along with it and yeah, she chose her over me.
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And the girl I've been best friends with, well I was, for 7 years, was called Lily. Lily became besties with her, she went everywhere with her and I would always be like, he said that you play out with me that day and she was like, yeah well I wanna play out with her instead, when we were making plans for so long, we always wanted to go to this place together and she took her instead. And now Lily's friends with her, who she named for one month instead of me, who she named.
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