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Shay 159d
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Latinpappa 158d
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Meatball 171d
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Meatball 171d
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Moderated 171d
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Ibrahim 170d
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Solo Steppin Crete Boy
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Sir Charlo 168d
Sir Charlo
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Sir Charlo
Sir Charlo
Sir Charlo
Matthew Oliveira
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T W N G Y 166d
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Yeah, that totally makes sense. It's like when I go a far distance in a car or something like that and, you know, people who are driving don't compensate for the curvature of the earth. So maybe it is flat because every time we drive in a straight line for a long time it's just straight and there's no curve. Someone's lying to us. This is a joke. If it isn't clear, this is totally a joke.
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Honest, because you take nothing serious, this is why you won't find the truth. Because it wouldn't work if you're driving, because you're still attached to the ground. That's why he's asking the pilot specifically, if he has to compensate flying from east to west to home, west to east. So, you know, whatever, man. If you want to believe whatever you want to believe, believe what you want to believe. Do some honest research and you'll find the truth.
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Of course the earth is flat. Everybody knows that. Everybody knows that. If you don't know that and you're saying it's not true, you're an idiot. Just look outside. You can see it.
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Bro, you see, you said nothing that made any sense. You just said, oh, people that believe the earth is flat, they're stupid, they want to believe stuff that is not true. But bro, do you know that flat earthers were told the same thing that you did, that you were in school? You know what the difference is? We're not stubborn and prideful, yeah? We look at evidence and examine it and we can change our minds because of why it makes sense. How are we idiots for doing rational thinking?
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Right, so the problem is, is that you're contradicting yourself, right? The plane is no longer attached to the surface of the earth. So even compared to a car that is attached to the surface, or fly inside of an enclosed environment means one, you're saying that the plane is also in an enclosed environment and that the atmosphere is in motion with the surface of the earth. And we know that that itself debunks the Coriolis effect. So why do snipers account for the motion beneath the bullet?
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I thought snipers only accounted for gravity and wind and distance.
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Yeah, for sure, for sure. Not gravity. They're not accounting for gravity, right? It's just the bullet itself is heavier than the air, so of course it's not going to rise, it's going to fall. That's a simple one. But they do account for the wind, and they also account for the range of the target, right? But it's said in the Coriolis effect that if a sniper is taking aim on a north-south trajectory, that the earth will spin underneath the bullet, right? Which will move that bullet off target.
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Yeah, so I'm just pointing out inconsistencies in the theory right I'm poking holes in the logic so, you know if it said that The sniper has to account for the motion of the earth Neil deGrasse Tyson says NFL kickers must account for it Then obviously a pilot flying north and south must account for the motion of the earth or he will end up off course Right, but you know, I can show you about 50 pilots that will corroborate that same You know fact that none of them account for the motion of the earth You
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Alright, but here's the thing OG. I do a lot of simulations and stuff like that and whether it be a Sniper simulation or airplane simulation Yeah, nobody's adjusting for the turning of the earth first of all these things are too massive and they move too fast for that to even really take into account at all and Then Neil deGrasse Tyson really broke the okey-doke ***** says anything
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Really bro, Neil deGrasse Tyson, the okie-dokie *****, the ***** that says anything for these white people. Come on bro, you can't be serious talking about some Neil deGrasse Tyson. He might have some points, but really, football players, you think that's really his cup of tea? He's a frickin' nerd bro. I don't care if he's an astrophysicist, he need to keep that shit in the astros. Because nobody, most football games is inside a stadium, dude.
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Well, I'm with you bro, I agree with everything you're saying right now, bro I think no the grass Tyson's to stop talking He doesn't obviously doesn't know what he's talking about right because he's contradicting everything that the globe earthers are saying So that's all I'm pointing it out for bro Because when one of their own one of their credential big-brained astrophysicist says something that the globe earthers don't like Right, or they believe otherwise They throw them under the bus and all of a sudden their credentials don't matter Now the big religion of science falls apart and they can't trust
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When a sniper shoots a bullet, he has to account for the motion of the earth beneath the bullet. Try to imagine the airplane as a bullet. As it leaves the runway, it is now free from the surface, no longer attached, and according to the Coriolis, it must make adjustments for the motion of the earth beneath the airplane.
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You mentioned Coriolis effect earlier, and I've never heard of it. So I don't think this is a theory that has held up to very much scrutiny over the years. And if snipers did, she did account for this. I think it'd be pretty stupid because the bullets are moving too fast and the earth is moving too slow for that to even have an effect. So whoever told you about the Coriolis was probably Neil deGrasse Tyson.
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And at this point, I'm reluctant to think that the earth even moves. We were taught to think that the sun doesn't go down and the moon doesn't come up or whatever. But we were also taught that the moon revolves. And you've never, ever seen the moon revolve ever. So, you know, if that's bullshit, what else could be bullshit? You know what I mean? Because I'm because I know I'll be moving, but the sun keeps rising. So.
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Shut up, David or whatever his name is.
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the pilot doesn't doesn't admit that the earth is is flat he just say that aircraft is flying inside an airmass and what matters for him is the airspeed he doesn't care about the ground speed and this is why when the pilot wants to take off with an airplane he takes the opposite direction of the winds to have a higher airspeed
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yes he doesn't have to make a compensation for the ground that's the main point because in the global theory they claim that the earth the ground is spinning and as we know the air is not attached to the ground air does not stick to the ground so if you sit with that thought a little bit longer then you're gonna understand that he did accept the fact that the earth is stationary which goes against the globe theory
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Okay, firstly, let's get this off the table. The Bible never mentions a flat Earth. Secondly, at the end of the day, this isn't going to matter to you because you still have a shitty nine to five to go to. Thirdly, I saw the I can literally see the curvature in the video right now. I screenshotted it held a ruler to it. It's only one to two pixel difference. But that's only because of how close he is to the planet right now. If he was in space, you'd be able to see the curvature.
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Bro, I don't think you've read the Bible to make that claim. You definitely can't have... Read Genesis and tell me when God made the heavens and the earth and when he separated the waters above from the waters below and put a firmament in the heavens and put the sun, moon and stars in the firmament. Tell me what that sounds like. Tell me if that fits the globe earth theory. I just can't stand when people like you make claims like this and you've never investigated it thoroughly.
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okay so I'm not gonna bash like you know people are doing in the comments saying oh you're dumb for posting this you're stupid now first off I'd like to say I respect that you referenced the word of God which is very true but I don't believe the earth is flat and I don't believe this video proves that so imagine I'm talking fast because it's 30 seconds imagine a bacteria is on my skateboard right and imagine I'm riding on my skateboard does the bacteria have to compensate for the speed of me going on my skateboard simply for the fact
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Does the bacteria on my skateboard have to compensate like to like kind of grip onto my skateboard because I'm going fast? No, because its size in reference to the force of the skateboard are not on the same plane. If I was a microscopic organism on a roller coaster, I would not be able to tell the difference because my size is not relative to the effect.
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Just as the weight of one bacteria pales in comparison to the weight of my skateboard or the weight of a roller coaster, it's the same as the weight of an airplane, a human, a bird, a cow, anything being compared to the weight and the mass scale that is the rotation of the earth. If let's say we had a giant maybe something maybe one-fourth the size of earth.
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Maybe something one-fourth or one-fifth the size of Earth or let's say, let's say humans probably about one-eighth the size of a roller coaster or one-fifteenth. Let's see on a larger scale like that. Then in that situation, it makes sense why they would feel the force because they are more relative to that size. You see what I mean? I'm hoping this makes sense.
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So we're stupid
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