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how do y'all feel about this this catchphrase all right i'm autistic and everyone always asks me you know how you how you doing how's things going you know there's a part of me that wants to be completely fucking brutally fucking honest with them and then there's a part of me that knows that's not what they want to know and they want me to say shit like i'm doing fine everything's okay i'm still here all that kind of bullshit right but i just want to hit them with something like more genuine more honest i want to be like i fucking hate my life um shit sucks right now um i didn't want to wake up this morning you know because some days i'm like that like some days i just fucking oh you know i'm just oh i'm just fucking out of it and then some days i'm not some days i'm like oh i'm just having a good fucking time you know because life's a fucking roller coaster is what it is it's it's crazy that's what it is so you know i'm i'm to the point where if someone asked me how am i doing be like just keeping it crazy you know i mean because i'm not gonna lie to them but also i don't know how to tell them the truth because it's a long fucking story
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