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If you could live anywhere in the world, just move there, successfully be able to stay there, where would you choose and why? I'd like to go to Florida because it has a year-round growing season and I like crazy people.
No the one your psycho cringe man that like there's like the weird shit like say what's up with the girl but like I'm not gonna try because you're not because I'm bout to crash Let you know that that you like freckles he live scanner kind of ball headed she does like weird stuff yeah it's how you as how you talk can you talk with him like the way you sound
I don't know if this is directed towards me, but would you rather me talk like this? Would you rather me hit you with that southern accent? Because see that that the other way I talk just ain't good enough for you. Oh, would you rather me like girl? You don't even know see I got too much shit on me for me to worry about your bullshit. Come on, you know better
I'll go up your ass to clean that ass off your ass because you don't have to wipe your ass correctly. So I could ask correctly and I'll tell you where.
I'll probably move to the woods so I can build my own house and bro if they train on shut up, bro Oh my god, we're probably living the woods. You know, I'm trying to build my own house have my own chickens I'm just having a little wild quiet life, you know?
You don't want to come to Florida. I live in Florida. I was raised in Florida for the most part. There was a funky period in Indiana. We're not going to talk about that part. Boy, I've been I've been around Florida, lived around Florida, and cool climate, I guess is better than Indiana. Yeah, whatever.
You did not give me a single good reason to why I shouldn't move to Florida. You just told me you don't think I should move to Florida. Okay, you might not have liked it because you live there, okay? I don't like living in North Carolina because I live here, okay? Like, I've been through this shit before. I've seen it all, okay? I don't want to see any more of it. I want it to disappear. So, Florida sounds nice. You know what I mean?
I would honestly if I had to choose I would go to where you live that and give you a better haircut than that cuz man what's going on oh disrespect but you need to line that shit up you need to fade that hair back with some hair gel wherever you know you know your beard looks good you know but looks a little patchy everything else good but if I had to say where I wanted to live I would So yeah.
Bro, that as I woke up like that, that was my bedhead. I had no motivation or patience to do anything with it. But no, you are absolutely right about everything you said. That's why I shaved and I did my hair. Yeah.