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Something about me is that when I don't know something, I will immediately Google it, whether it's the weather or good sale. And for the most part, for me, it's looking up synonyms for words so that I don't sound repetitive. But yeah, I want to know what's That's something you always look up online.
Okay, I'm always seeming to look up different colleges because for me, I'm really looking for my college. Like, I'm not in college yet, but I'm really looking for my college. So I'm like, if this school in Ivy is, this school in Ivy, what's the GPA percent you get into in the school? Blah blah blah. I'm always searching up anything related to college, for some reason. But yeah, that's what she would see in my search history, like all the time.
Oh my gosh, yes! Been there, done that. That was actually how I was for both my undergrad and grad school programs. And yeah, my college search was very extensive. So if you ever need advice on that, I'm very happy to help you. Feel free to send me a message. Anyways, best of luck with your search, and I hope you get into the college that you want.