What's a really good smoothie recipe? Because I have been doing the same thing over and over and over again. And this summer I'm challenging myself to try all the different smoothies that people suggest. So let me know. But my current one, it's just really simple. It's either water or apple juice as the base. And then I add strawberries, bananas, mangoes, dragon fruit, blueberries. Just really whatever I have on hand. and then I'll add in some maca powder, spirulina powder, I'll also add some greens like spinach, and then I'll finalize it with some chia seeds and then blend. And that's just pretty much been my go-to for years, But yeah, hoping for a change, so let me know.
kale, some almond milk, spinach, what else? some... shoot, was it? some green melon and some pineapple so kale, pineapple, mango and spinach with some almond milk
Dang, my go-to smoothie classic. Man, I'm a ginger girl. I could put chunks of ginger. Okay. So I really like throwing like maybe two frozen bananas in there. If you want to cream your butthole, but the two is okay. Put hand to like two or three handfuls of spinach, kale, whatever inside of that. Put a chunk, if you like ginger like me, of ginger in there. Um, let's see.
Thank you so much for sharing that honestly that was really helpful and I'm gonna try those ingredients the next time I I make a smoothie, which is hopefully soon. Again, thank you.
I've made a smoothie that has like banana yogurt spinach and some ice cubes in it to make it more like smoothie like you know so that might be good to you I don't know you can't really taste the spinach at all you can only taste the banana so I hope this helps
See you like not go to smoothies they're really simple like banana mango Play opening a banana oats that you and it may be something about it too but I didn't I will be on and the rest of the day she say fruits well so picky anyways yeah it was a really simple
OK so basically my whole thing is that I put kale banana and mango into a smoothie and it's called like clothes at Clover something but I discovered it out like a vegan grocery shop or whatever and really good I don't like he'll shakes usually but kill banana and Mingo Chefs kiss