My goodness you guys I came across this really interesting situation this girl wants opinions on What this ordeals about and so listen up? This is what's happened? Basically, she's been with her boyfriend for several years. She claims it's a perfect relationship Everything's going really well. It's a healthy and happy relationship And during the whole time she's been with her boyfriend. She actually has a really close guy friend who she hangs out with a lot they have like inside jokes and and, you know, they have a lot more in common. And recently this close guy friend told her, hey, I know you're in a relationship, but I need to confess that I have feelings for you. And now this girl is confused. She doesn't know whether or not she should stay with her current boyfriend or dump him and be with the close guy friend. And I wanna hear your guys' take on this. What would you do if you were in her shoes? Because honestly, I'm gonna put my two cents in this and say that she should not continue leading on her boyfriend if she just doesn't feel the same way about him. And there's like a Johnny Depp quote out there. It's like, if you're like stuck between two people, pick the second because if you really love the first there wouldn't be a second. And I feel like that's perfect in this type of situation, advice-wise, but again, I really wanna hear you guys' take on this and I'm pretty sure this girl would too, so go off.
This is a perfect example of how I do not understand why we insist upon pretending that boyfriend-girlfriend relationships are official and that boyfriends and girlfriends are the same as husbands and wives. As such, I would highly advise that this woman stop acting like this man is her spouse and date both men. Not behind the first man's back, mind you. Let him know and he can make his own decisions from there. We women have got to stop positioning men to to live right free in our hearts as husbands before they make us wives.
Know this, a grown man throwing you on the girlfriend's carousel for years means that you are a placeholder. If he never finds a game changer and he likes you enough, then he will marry you within a few years. But understand that if he does find a game changer while stating you, then he will drop you and marry her. Post-haste. When a man finds a game changer, he understands that this boyfriend-girlfriend nonsense is fake commitment at best and he's not okay with her being able to leave him for another man at any point. He will make the relationship official. Fast!
Now I'm not advising her to dump this guy. I'm just advising her not to fall into the girlfriend trap because most likely he has not fallen into the boyfriend trap. Men hardly ever do, but the girlfriend trap is the default for women. That's why I am adamant about this with my female clients. There should be a space in both your head and heart that is reserved for your husband only. It's not even for your fiance. Boyfriend is not a status. Fiancee is not a status. Only husband is a status. And only husbands get husband privileges.
Bear in mind that I have only 30 second chunks to distill information, so there's no time to mince words and add thousands of disclaimers. Look, I already know that every woman's boyfriend is the exception. I get it. I also understand that neither every man nor every woman desires marriage. Again, 30 second chunks.
I just think that if he really did have these feelings for her and he cared about her and all this stuff, why didn't he say that before she had a boyfriend? Why is it that now she's all of a sudden got a boyfriend and she's booked him busy? He's after her. Like is this like some type of game like playing around messing around with our emotions. Why now?