Okay, I know everyone is very, very, very opinionated on this subject, but I want to know how do you feel about dogs? This is a judgment-free zone, and I will say that dogs are my favorite animal. I love dogs, and if I could adopt every dog in the world, I totally would. And they're just so precious, and honestly, I see them on my Instagram feed. And even on TikTok on my 4U page, I get videos of either puppies or senior dogs or, you know, dogs being introduced to, you know, their new family members, you know, whatever it may be. I just love that. I just love all that content like brightens up my day. But yeah, let me know how you honestly feel about them because I do know people who are either scared of them or, you know, they just don't prefer to have dogs in their home, but they're happy with people having dogs of their own. But yeah, I would want to hear your honest take.
I think dogs are awesome and it's fantastic in the way that they want to interact and be a part of what you're doing. I also think cats are really amazing and a lot of people that are big dog fans don't seem to be a fan of cats. So how do you feel about cats?
to be honest i like dogs and all but um a cat person like all the way it's just they don't have the same feel as cats do some of them are cute they can be adorable but honestly cats are always adorable and yeah some breeds of dogs are just not a well for me most and every single one of Capri they're like just adorable and perfect.
See I love dogs, I own a lot of dogs. I own one pit bull mix, one bully mix, another bully, on a cannon corso, government picture. What's the other one? Wotweiler, if the names are so exotic, bro. Ah!
Dogs are cute lovely I like a small and medium size ones some of the bigger ones can be kind of intimidating and then you just I don't like the ones that kinda jump on you without any reason especially if you have some back problems it's just you know will send you right to the chiropractor and I feel like I don't think I'd want one in my house because they're messy kind of but I love dogs in general
I literally love dogs so much there why I'm still here and why am breathing air right now because like literally the cutest things ever I really want a husky but it's so expensive there like 2000 $3000 like white but yeah I really love dogs I love being around dogs thought some dogs just don't vibe with me Do I love lamp
Well if I'm be honest with you dogs are dogs because they are dogs make it them dogs because they are dogs that means their dogs so let's say because their a dog that makes them a dog because their dog