What surprises you when you're traveling? Because for me, especially when I'm traveling outside the United States, I always get people talking to me about America and I'm obviously assuming it's from my accent. But also the moment that, you know, whether it's a local or tourist from another place, they always ask me about California when I say that I am from California and I live in California and And they just ask me all these questions like oh have you seen celebrities or is the weather really that perfect or You know dude shop at Gucci every day. It's like kind of like insane questions, but then I remind myself Oh, that's probably what they see on TV or movies. So So yeah, I just wanted to know what surprises you when you're traveling.
When I try was definitely the questions as well cause I'm from Florida and thereby think but I stay going to Disney World or the first day they think about oh you're from Miami know in Miami is not a flex to people who stay in lol so now um I'm sick it's holiday like I'm not from Miami I don't care about Disney World and start asking me about gate alligators oh they don't mess with me I don't care
Yeah, I get asked the same thing. The only difference is I'm on the flip side of that coin. I actually do live in Miami. I do go to Disney World maybe once a year, my little girl. And we got gators all over the damn place. Yeah! And no, I haven't seen anybody eating anyone else's face off. No zombies out here. It's always fun. I feel like a celebrity whenever I go anywhere and tell people I'm from Miami.
OK I'll travel for my birthday as I travel twice for my birthday and then we travel again for my sister's birthday and then will just travel again but is at the same place so wish I would like cause which off my birthday twice in my sisters and I was trouble so we travel four times at that one place and then we travel somewhere else I forgot but it's all right is there zombie
But and then we went to Texas But I love Texas because we were Texas it is for the one guy birthday and was like it was like on a ship kind of nugget shit by cruise ship whatever and highlight two layers but it wasn't like a boat or anything it was Kaillie a house staining of kinda on the on water and has lie
They had a rooftop and everything in and I was because I love me some shrimp boil shrimp is so good but I'm allergic to it for a while and that's why I stop eating it cause I supposed to be allergic she like fish and crawfish whatever but I ate me some shrimp on that ship it was good and then I kind a hopped in the water and stayed in the water but it was good we had we could hop off and everything it was fun
What surprises me when I travel is like we don't talk for the whole ride. Like me and my family don't talk for the whole ride. We just like get on our phones and like sleep and just listen to music and watch movies.
Yeah, you gotta remember, what is promoted on television, movies, fashion, all that shit, that's what other people see. You know what I'm saying? That's what other countries see, you know, and then the very outs like, that's the idea of us they have and it's such a fucked up idea.
No what really surprise me are we went to a road trip to Mississippi like people were like clearly outside like they had couches outside and everything like it's like a whole different know world like when you go to a whole new country state and like we went to LA no no no we went to Las Vegas in like the houses were made out of clay and I was like super