We all have had trust issues on some sort of level, but I want to ask you guys Why is it so hard to trust someone? because for me a big part of it is You know, it's hard to determine whether someone is being real or fake with their intentions And I find that as more and more time has gone on in my life. I'm 27 like knock on wood. I Just try to protect my peace, you know, and if someone comes along my way. I just ask myself okay is this person deserving of access to my energy or what you know but yeah I want to hear from you guys
Hey hey, I'm 27 too baby. And one thing I know I've noticed from my past self is that I just emotionally invested myself, opened up myself to people that you know didn't have enough time for their true character to unfold so when their true character unfold I just got super hurt and now I move different now I give things time. Now I used a sownment.
Without question, I leave. Look, when you find out you got somebody that's sure enough, sure enough on your team, that's when the walls come down and you can let the real you shine through. And they'll have your back and you know that they only wish you the best of intent and all of that. Yeah, when that day come for you, it's going to be a beautiful day because I was 27 once too. Yeah, it must lot too.
It's because we don't know how to do trust correctly. Trust must be earned, and it is earned in stages of increasing vulnerability, but we instead go straight from 0 to 100, particularly when dating. On a date, your job is not to ask a series of intrusive questions. Your job is to establish yourself as a safe person to open up to. Once you do that, your date will personally show you the skeletons in his or her secret closet because you are a safe person to show them to.
At this point, however, most of us don't know how to establish ourselves as safe, because most of us are not safe. That's why we instead opt to bulldoze our way into our dates in a world without first establishing ourselves as safe. And if our date also lacks proper boundaries, then this can turn into a hot mess real quick. Granted, the problem is also the way that we we have been taught how to date, which is inherently emotionally unsafe at best.
Put another way, people who have trust issues don't have good internal boundaries and the trust issues are protective. These people don't trust because they don't know how or who to trust. And this is the part that hurts. People who have trust issues tend not to be the most trustworthy people themselves. They don't know what to look for in others because they cannot use themselves as a reference point. That's how this works.
You are deep. That is deep and that is very true. Most people who have trust issues are trustworthy themselves. You know, see my whole life I've tried to build trust by being a giving person. I always give, like it's cool, yeah, you know, know that I want from you what I do for you, you know what I'm saying?
But the key to being one of those type of people is time. You got to get people time to reveal themselves, you know, and be the trust worthy person that you want to attract to you, you know, and go around people and give yourself time to see if that's actually what they are. Because most people will reveal who they are and how they are with time. So much love to you
No but girl talk it over last let's go to the deeper maybe you should be burnable with people really think about it think about what would they do if you were born in a bowl with them just don't like from off the bat for you to really see if there's actual people that will be nice to use up that order some go to people who will take a vantage Aniya
Really think about him if you're gonna be vulnerable with someone you can find out if they're gonna miss treat you or if they actually wanna be your friend and finally they might've found someone who is portable with themselves and with other people too so yeah honestly fucking just fuck it people or lessons you got to have people like lessons beat make them look like that and I promise you life is gonna be much more easier
You will not be wasting time if you just do this up as of them talking about OK be burnable be yourself every single time anyone that you talk to someone when should before the boys see how like they be treating you and she like telling you make a piece of shit or not if not you got someone who's been craving for someone to just have a deep connection with what happened so yeah don't be wasting time
Really think about it though if you come off with vertebrate Belletti you just you know just being you get only just talking Tom talking Tom Hardy whatever and just like really for real shit look how they treat you if they actually want to be your friend generally your friend and not like try to fuck you up in a mentally physically way then you got that have therapy always have a phone ability with people
I don't think about that type of stuff, but I think the new generation is so fucked up about like, trust issues and shit, and you don't know what people go through and shit, So add to.
It's hard to trust people nowadays because everyone vast majority of them tries to put on a face Or a mask when it comes down to in public or on social media or anywhere so when Next you know soon enough that mask comes off and you're like well, what the heck what what I thought you was this person You say that being authentic.
You see in the movie the Kingsman they gave the definition of trust which is having confidence in the character of another. How can I have confidence in your character if automatically you're wearing a mask.
The worst thing if you have trust problems or trust issues because you have been heartbroken with one too many times or Like you just was born like that me. I have trust issues because you know I got like it. Heartbroken like the most unexpected time so like yeah.