I always tell people it's really important to be nice to everyone because you just don't know who needs it the most And obviously what goes around comes around. So if you do good good will come right back to you So tell me what's a nice thing you did for someone? Because for me, there's not exactly one moment But a nice thing I did was just include someone when they fell alone or you know, clearly didn't have anyone around them to enjoy the moment with So I would obviously introduce myself say hey, would you like to join me at my table or you know I've done a few things where I've seen something and I'm like oh you can have it it just like the little things that make the biggest difference. you'd be really surprised. But yeah, I want to hear from you.
One nice thing I did was I give this lady $10 and she was struggling to get on the bus I feel like we should appreciate our struggles and values because there's always somebody that's going through worse and I feel like personally if I do good for our community you know what goes around comes around and I feel like we should appreciate what we have because there's always somebody that's going to worse so that's one good thing
I'm all about random acts of kindness Something I've done recently and I do often is try to help the homeless. I don't give money But I do buy food Or if they're out there selling something in the street I try to buy more than I Normally would just give them a little something extra but I try to get a handle on their story and their back story as to why they're there and what happened.
I always think it's important that we get back where we can how we can to whom we can Because you never know that might be you someday in that position We want the same done for you. So treat others as you would want to be treated. It's a golden rule And no matter what faith religion ideologies you come from I Think that holds true for everyone and anything so we should all adhere to
Oh wow, actually that was a very sweet thing you did. You know, my mom used to give this homeless person that was at the exit of her freeway stop, a sandwich, because she would have to get off this ramp to continue on driving and he had a dog. So she would bring dog treats as well every time he was outside there. So your story reminded me of that. So thank you for sharing.
i had this lulum and define jacket and one of the colors they don't sell anymore right? and i was selling it on my d-pop but i kind of wanted to keep it so i was like debating if i wanted to sell it or not and then i got my wisdom teeth out right? and the next day i saw it was a mom who messaged me and she said she was getting it for her daughter's birthday asking when i could ship it she wanted it in time and i rushed to the post office in my hurting pain for my mouth and got it shipped to her to make sure it was in time for her daughter's birthday even though I wanted to keep it.
That was an incredibly sweet thing to do. Wow! Okay, because I was thinking about your story because my sister also sells stuff on Depop for her business and you know I have to give it to you guys for parting ways with things that you really wanted to keep and obviously it's not easy and especially with a deadline like that. I always say what goes around comes around so you're you're definitely gonna get some good your way. That's for sure.
One time I saw this homeless guy I bought him all those like three of them but I spent like I sat down and spoke to one of them for about an hour I am but yeah I think there was will be anyways I bought the more sandwiches and crisps and stuff and then I thought we was invited because I wanted to know is that I just spoke with him about life and he just told me that I like mature for my age closest chatting some random wisdom
To be nice, and I mean it sounds morbid, but I like to occasionally accompany families that go to my church or my friends. When their loved ones die, I sit and wait with their loved ones dead body and I'll pray over them and I'll pray with the family and I'll give them a Bible and I'll be there for them while they're grieving.
I just have to say you are an absolute sweetheart for what you've done for those individuals, families, the people that needed that the most because when it's a heartbreaking and sensitive time, you know, often people can't even form the words of needing support and you know, you have my most utmost respect on that. Wow, wow, wow. I am sending you all the love and good energy. Thank you so much for doing what you're doing.
There was this one time when I wanted to go inside the store but I couldn't because I had food in my hand and you're not supposed to bring in food inside the store so I saw a man a homeless man across the street and I couldn't just throw the food away in the bin because that's weird so I went up to the man and I gave him my food instead
A saw tell the story I was at chipotle and you know what are young girls see you trying to be so fast and she actually just told me answer my card so I put in my car and I was putting my car to sing that she rang up the girl behind me a bowl as well and I was like well I guess lunch on me today and I pay for a food so she was really thankful so shout out to the girl
There was this family in Big Lots buying groceries and they did have a deck of Uno cards in the pack And they couldn't it looked like they couldn't afford it They put it back and the little girl in the in the family started getting teary-eyed But she was cool. She wasn't making a scene So I grabbed the cards and paid for them quick and ran them out the door and they were so grateful They were so happy and grateful over a cheap little deck of cards of Uno cards