Okay, I want to know do you believe in astrology like zodiac signs? I'm an Aquarius and honestly I definitely do and I love the memes like there's one on Instagram called glossy zodiac And it is so on point with the way I feel on a daily basis So yeah, definitely believer of it, but I'm very curious to hear your perspective.
Not really I used to like you know when I saw a post I will be like oh I relate to this by I wasn't like a full believer on signs and I never even thought that if two signs together will be a perfect match Also he's against God and his believes so now
I don't want to believe it but I think it's because actually there's something to it because and I kid you not like every single Aries that I know all my Aries friends like you don't wanna mess with them and I don't like especially when it comes to like she did discussions or arguments because like they got super hot headed and And you know it's weird I don't know why but they just are really like that
I'm totally an Aquarius and yes I do believe in astrology. It might just be because I'm an Aquarius we're in tune with the Earth and the stars and ourselves and shit but yeah I think astrology really says a lot about us that we can't say about ourselves growing and getting to know ourselves. I think astrology helps us come to a decent perspective about you know who we are as a person.
Honestly I don't believe that stuff I'm an Aries but I'm not gonna lie it is fun to look at and it's fun to like you know it's just a fun thing to like you know look at scroll they're fat and you know talk about but do I take a seriously no do I be like yeah he is the ancient ass Nager because he's a Leo no I'm not really it's not that deep to me but it is definitely fun
Yes, I do believe in astrology and I am too an Aquarius and every Aquarian that I have met in my entire life I'm 47 years old or all creative individuals or creative people and we are very especially the female Aquarians we are very much in tune with the universe and the stars and the sky and the moon all that stuff. I love us and And for those who said that it's against God, actually astrology is mentioned in the Bible.
kind of. I feel like some people take it too far though. also you said you were in Korea, which is very cool. I'm personally a tourist but have a great day. Love you.
I'm a Scorpio my birthday is in November but I don't really like I'll see some something like that like how you act but I don't think I mean sometimes but yeah
Most definitely I believe in science. You know what I mean? I'm a cancer, so I do know that we're the most lovable science in the world. just, you know.