What is the biggest lie that someone told you and you were like, oh, that for sure is not true? I actually had someone try to tell me how California is when I was overseas and I was like, uh, no. That's not what California is like at all. And I actually had to correct this person and I was like, uh, have you been to California? And they were like, no. And I was like, then why are you saying all these things about California if you've never been? I don't know. People are weird. But yeah, I want to know the biggest lie that someone told you.
Good morning and to answer your question for me I will have to say that that they love me and I know most people on here convulsion can say that I've had somebody say that I love you and then the way that they treated them was completely different than the way that they love them And I also know that that's a broad spectrum to play on but that's mines somebody told me that they love me and the way that they treated me wasn't showing any type of love
Aww, and I would gladly accept a hug. I will squeeze you and hold you very tightly. But can you message me? Because it's not letting me at you as a friend, if that's even possible. I really do want to talk to you if that's okay. Hit me up. Thank you.
Bro Parents tell you the biggest lies when you were kid ran late they used to lose their own vegetables will make you grow bigger and bigger bro I'm eating vegetables every day I'm still 56 what are you talking Vegetables make you show no we don't going to the gym makes Joe eat
Sometimes the words I love you can be a lie bro why are you love someone in the way you treat them is just completely different from little late I don't make sense it doesn't make sense
The biggest, chunkiest, fattest lie someone has ever told me is that they've never lied before. And obviously that is a lie because if I just ask for a pencil to borrow, like during class or anything, she'll be like, no, my grandma gave that to me, no, my mom gave that to me, my dad, my brother, my mom, my sister, my grandma gave that to me before they died. so you can't use it, I'm sorry.
Honestly, it could be this post, like, it's just not giving enough details for me to know what you agree with and what they disagree with. But seriously, um, I believe the biggest lie someone never told me was that carrots help you see better. Magazine sucks
Some guy told me using the Italian mafia mind you I live in the Midwest so this guy was just spent a whole bunch of bullshit trying to make yourself look cool
See, I have the opposite opinion as you and I was raised in California as well. I feel like it depends on the part because I'm from Northern California and yeah, I know it's very different to maybe other parts of the state, but I just wanted to point that out.
The bourgeoisie buddy ever told me is when I Ted told me that When they had told me that there was like a best friend like well you know you Taliban back soon