Okay picture this someone in your life is being nosy and I'm talking about a friend, a family member, a co-worker and so you know I want to know how would you get them to stop because there's so many different things I can think of but I'm really curious to hear what you what you guys would say first.
Simply, I allow you to see only the things that I care for you to see. Other than that, yes, I'm blocking because your nosy stuff should just speak to me. There's no need for you to be nosy to get involved in my life. Anyways, stay spectacular to those who hear this message.
Okay, so I should probably explain this a little bit better. So what I mean by this is just in general. So to picture the situation, just like if someone's asking you all these different questions and you know, it's not coming from a very nice place. Basically, they're just doing it to get information out of you. It's not really that they care. They're just, you know, basically using you as an entertainment piece or, you know, trying to steal your tricks or, you know, copy you. How would you reply?
If someone is asking you a bunch of nosy questions, then the reason why they're asking is because you're answering, which means that you are available to answer all of these questions, even if you don't like them. So the way to stop this is to genuinely be unavailable to answer these questions by not answering them. Most nosy people will simply stop asking, but for the remainder who keep asking, you You need to simply remove yourself from the conversation.
The specific response is going to depend upon the overall scenario, the person asking the question, the question, and your personality. You might opt to play dumb. Oh, I don't remember how much I paid for this. Or you might opt to play it off with humor. My age? I'm forever 21. Or you might even be savage. Yes, we're having fertility problems. Your husband's clearly fertile. Is he volunteering to help? It really just depends.
Confront them do it this guy was being nosy no not this guy this girl was being nosy and I literally went up to him in real life and said what are you looking at what are you eavesdropping on and it's like nothing nothing I said turn around walk away like it's not that hard come on
Man I mean Spanish so my whole everybody in my family is nosy as fuck so late we just can't even get each other LIFO night motherfucker all my family is nosy for my little siblings to be my new to the newborns in my family theme not nosy as fuck to wait Hispanics are just nosy and she's muscles
Um, just stop engaging with them or but if you're in a situation where you have to then just give very vague answers and try to end the conversation immediately and if it's on social media or whatever just block them from viewing your stories or whatever, but just give very vague answers and pause and stare back at them and They're gonna take the hint because no one can force you to say anything thing unless you see it they don't have
Oh so listen this is what I'm gonna do when I'm speaking from experience so you can't do nothing so if I you know scenario I'm on my porch I'm just standing outside looking you guys and whatever and I see some motherfucker just staring at me bro like in eyes on me bitch I'm turning my full body at them pulling my draw down and I'm gonna start beat my dick up start stroking on my deep bro they look away they look away that's on the on but
Tell them they're being nosy and it's annoying. Straight up being direct is the best way. If they're not listening, come back here. I got more solutions.