Good morning, happy Wednesday. Humpty. Whoa. I almost said Tuesday y'all. Anyways, I'm not working today. That's why I'm like a little off today. Like what day is it? Anyway, I'm working my shirt orders. I'm halfway done with them. I just got to press them. That's my plans today. Get them all done. I'm waiting on two more shirts to come in the mail. I should be completely done. And then I have more more shirts to bleach. Those were for some teachers. Anyhow, I get those done, but I'm getting these ones done because these ones need to be done. And then later, we have cheer practice. I picked my mom up from the hospital last night. All is well, all is good here. I'm feeling better. I've been on a moxie ceiling for like, what, two days? I feel like amazing. So my voice is better, here it's getting better. So all is good. How is everyone doing on this fine hump day? Let me know.