It's Friday everyone. It is 6.30 almost and I just dropped my daughter off to school. Today I have to go to work. I have to go sub. At the school today I have like zero oomph to go do that but I'm going to go there and do that. And I'm hoping that my boss will let me go watch the Superintendent Reading Award. Thankfully I'm at the school where my daughter is getting that award today and watch her get that and then go back to work and then yeah call it a day and get off at 1.30 and then get my daughter at 2 and go home and relax the rest of the evening. But yay, it's Friday, we made it. I hope everyone has a great day. what are you up to today on this fine Friday?
Happy Friday we made it oh my gosh it's been crazy we've been playing outside a little bit and it started to rain so we came inside I am ran to get some coffee for mama and now she's napping so it's been a good day