Okay, what's a bad habit you can think of? Because the one off the top of my head has to do with phones, stay with me here. But basically it's when a person is glued to their phone to the point where they're not realizing what's around them. And I'm guilty of it myself, which is why I said in a previous post that I actually have a lock on my social media so that I don't mindlessly scroll. But even then, I always try to do things that make me forget about my phone, like reading, walking around, you know, catching up with a friend. There's just so many things you can do in person that, you know, really brings a lot of joy in your life. But anyways, back to the question. I'm very curious to hear your answer.
Gang warfare darling that's like the worst habit I can think of on here and unfortunately it's some thing that's a privilege of the petit bourgeoisie so I've never gotten to participate in or do I want to but it's quite pedestrian and I recommend you try it sometime you know but do it more aggressively darling because you're very passive in the way that you're posing questions