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Nic Fitzgerald
Nic Fitzgerald
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Do you guys think that Ted Lasso is going to get back with his ex-wife Michelle? Do you think maybe he's gonna get together with Rebecca by the end of the series? Or do you think he's going to end the series being on his own but being happy, content, and everything? Give me your thoughts.
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No I don't I don't see the point in this happening to be honest I think it would just be him yes very pointless
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I agree that it doesn't, it wouldn't have a point and I feel like it would actually be a disservice and a digression of Ted's character. After this last episode with the last scene everyone's like, ooh, they're gonna get back together and I'm like, no. No. It's not gonna happen. It shouldn't happen in my mind because it would undo a lot of the growth that Ted has had in my opinion. So thanks for sharing.
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I agree a lot of people after the last episode are like, oh, Ted and, Ted and Michelle are gonna get back together But I feel that it would be a digression in Ted's character development. So I agree I don't think it would serve the story And I think it would undo a lot of the growth that Ted has had individually over these three seasons learning to be enough for himself. So Thanks for your thoughts.
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