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Melanin Seduction
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Nic Fitzgerald
Melanin Seduction
Nana Ahema 685d
Nana Ahema
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Nic Fitzgerald
Senor Pequenos
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Nic Fitzgerald
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Did you know that in the film industry, when you work on the crew, there's, you know, a hierarchy, there's, you know, your director, your director of photography, all that kind of stuff. But at the bottom of the totem pole are what are called PAs, production assistants. And did you know there's an unwritten rule that during a 12-hour day of production, that PAs are not allowed to sit on set. And if you're seen sitting, you're almost ridiculed and seen as not committed enough to the the film industry and not taking it serious. It's crazy. When I was a PA just starting out I was surprised how many people gave me a hard time whenever they'd see me having a seat for a minute. I have a 12 hour day where PAs are running around doing everything. All the grunt work, all the crap that rolls downhill goes to the PAs. It's just insane. Have any of you ever worked on a set or had that same experience?
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No sir I have not. What's going on Nick? No I've not had that experience but it almost sounds like so it's like an initiation into the industry kind of a thing like a hazing or paying your dues or something is that why they do it? Like is it along those lines or is it just to be mean? I'm curious.
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I think they do look at it as a paying your dues right of passage. I had to do that back in my day, so if you don't do it, you're not committed kind of thing. But yeah, I don't think people were doing it necessarily to be mean, but there were some people who would treat you. Not that PAs got treated well anyway, but like they treat you even more poorly if they knew that you were a sitter. It was crazy.
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Okay, I can understand that I can understand that thank you for For answering my question, you know, I appreciate it So yeah, this is great dialogue and it's the information for me because I do movie and TV reviews So I am fascinated by and from back, you know, back story behind the scene information.
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That's so crazy. Like, I was really had to experience that. Production is not easy to work in. Like, I've worked in TV production. I'm not saying this film, but yeah, I hated it. That's really sad.
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Yeah, production department is hard. Because you're pulling crazy hours. You're the first ones to get on set. You're the last ones to leave. And everyone treats you like garbage because you're like the fun killers on set too. You're having to tell people to be quiet, hold still, you know, yelling out, rolling in cuts. and people don't like that even though you have to do it.
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No, I didn't know that and I know people in the movie industry, so that's... Damn, that's harsh. I hate that shit. I hate that shit so fucking much. That's like people that get annoyed when, uh, when, like, cashier sit down, you know? It's like 12-hour days standing, you know, it's like... What, are we doing a marathon? It's like that, that, that Scott Seiss on TikTok where he's like, you're gonna be real pissed when you find out what an office is that you can sit down and work at the same time.
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Yeah, it's pretty crazy when it's just so funny because again, it's an unwritten rule and like if you get caught doing it like somebody I was brand new to the film industry. So I didn't know I'm like I'm a human I'm tired I'm gonna sit I wasn't like taking a nap or anything it was like sitting on an apple box for two minutes. But yeah it was it was a thing and I'm hoping it's gotten better because I haven't PA'd for a a long time, but I'm hoping that it's got better in like the last six years.
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