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Sandra Wolk 682d
Sandra Wolk
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Jessi 682d
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So my son is a year and a half and of course he's like at the crazy taller stays where he's climbing everything throwing everything like the dogs food and water just making a mess but he's also at the point where he's calling things out when we're in the car driving he's calling out the the buses the colors and it's just so great to see it makes me so happy I mean I can really enjoy music now because he wants to our call everything out so I just wanna make sure to hear him but I love that he's learning
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I don't see the love that stage where like there's time to explore and stuff and I like have so many pictures and videos of my daughter doing that iPhone is just packed but now she's in her terrible two that I'm like oh I wish you were small again
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Oh my god girl I feel you my daughter is 22 months old and we're at the stage where we stomp her foot and cry when we don't get our way and I'm like where do you even where did you even learn to stomp your foot and I just think it's hilarious it's a struggle that's why I am going to bed right now I need to sleep because I'm mentally like exhausted from it so sending you all the positive vibes all the calming vibes and we got this
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