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Marlyn Koester
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Marlyn Koester
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Jania Torres
Jessi 687d
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Jania Torres
Alyssa 687d
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Jania Torres
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So I'm eight weeks away from my due date I'm wondering if she's going to be here earlier like her brother I feel like this time around I don't know where to start I mean my mom says that oh after your first like you are kind of like more carefree I guess oh but I don't know where to start I feel like obviously with my son I didn't have all the toys I didn't have all the stuff that I have for him now or in his room so I feel like now there's more clutter and more toys End it was it's harder for me to organize his room when they're gonna be sharing Leica a dresser I just don't know where to start I feel like I have to put everything in my room and then I'm gonna be overwhelmed
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Oh my goodness congratulations I remember on the anticipation it was it was fun yeah waiting and preparing nesting
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So what have you done so far? Have you already prepared like the nursing room or your diaper bag? Those things are so fun to do. Yeah, I hope you have a good luck and a good labor. Yeah, I can't wait for you to talk about it here.
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No that's why I said like I don't know what is the start like with my son it was his like his nursery was his room so now with her they're gonna share a room but when she's a little bit older so I have to find a way to set up everything in my room but I started buying like my postpartum stuff That's basically it
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Oh my gosh, eight weeks away. Congratulations, that is so exciting. I hope everything goes amazing and it sounds like you could just relax. Like you have most things now, so I just wouldn't, I would try not to stress out about it and just kind of relax. Cause you're set, you're pretty much set. I feel like you're good, except for maybe some baby diapers.
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Thank you I feel like it's gonna go by so quickly my son came up two weeks earlier so I mean that's six weeks away who knows if it's gonna happen again but I do even have baby diapers I just need to put it like all together you know like enough in a box where it's easy to grab like my postpartum stuff above my toilet or like everything that I'm gonna need for her for like a night change and stuff put together to And get everything out of the storage
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How much are the exciting getting that close to do today is like so many different types of emotions like but it's a great It's a great
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I know with my son I expected to go past 40 weeks like I do they was October 28 and I think I'm gonna have a Halloween baby just because they say that your first takes longer and he came two weeks early so with her I'm just like is it gonna happen in 40 weeks is it gonna happen again 2038 I just don't know what to expect
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