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Jonathan Bytd 682d
Jonathan Bytd
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Pedro Lopez 682d
Pedro Lopez
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Ed B 679d
Ed B
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Yo whatever happened to gears pop trying to load the game and the server is not going on or whatever so they stop to the server is this something like that are used to love this shit playing it to her from work it was a dope ass game they need to make more games like this I'll play the shadow
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Know what they need to do is start giving us a new and more updated version of castle crashers that's what they need to do it's not playing and I will say rolls get all days on the box than that I have a wall wait that didn't come out right on the Xbox
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Yeah, they shut the servers down in 2021 actually, I think April of 2021.
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Yo wait, there was a Gears Pop game? What?
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