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Jonathan Bytd 684d
Jonathan Bytd
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Nelson Hernandez
Jonathan Bytd
Nelson Hernandez
David 683d
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Ed B 683d
Ed B
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Armani Monche 683d
Armani Monche
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I guys start a better network to this is the game remember from my past this is the game that I remember getting real crazy and playing it over and over numerous times and I was wondering the entire time why when when I was going to get this power when I was going to get this power up and the whole time I've never played better network one that's crazy
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Bro how do you just skip over a whole game Like oh like you just skipped over old storyline it is that you fuck it I will go to number two I can't be mad at you because I am play the past Jedi game in about to be played at
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Bro I was broke I don't remember I was a kid is a kid bro we have no money that's different I'm gonna dump and I'm broke
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I'm screaming or cap on that one only because oh yeah you can go to any uncle any family member as a kid and be like yo can I get like five dollars and they give you five dollars like come on bro but then again I was broke to Still broke
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I know I know yeah identify me as a black man but I am Hispanic to the genome fully and amenities leg is my uncles aunts grandfather's grandmothers got enough money to even spare me Farah if you can they gave me shit you crazy Christmas gift was like cheap ass case you the rent evening
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Daaah, you finally found it.
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Oh hell yeah dude, you're coming up with the good shit today man. This is an excellent game. Mega Man Legends for the PlayStation was fantastic too.
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I really need to stop playing and start playing this because everybody keeps talking about it. I keep hearing good things and I definitely enjoyed these games so much. For real. Stop start playing. I need to take my own advice.
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