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Jonathan Bytd 690d
Jonathan Bytd
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Nelson Hernandez
David 688d
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Evileyes 688d
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OK hi guys so last night I finally beat MegaMan battle network from the new collection So it just occurred to me that I never actually owned the first game the second one is the one I always had I thought I was the first one to say the first one and did you know I was like I don't remember any of this like this endgame stuff and then once you beat the game that your dad in the game tells you something completely mine blowing and I was like what the fuck this is dark first of all for kids game Yeah the twist was pretty crazy I'm still at the game overall I'm glad I actually finally got to meet it and now onto the second one
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Where did you say you like that bottle that I have on PlayStation because like I Peter at one point I think it's like $30 or some like that comes with like a ton of them maybe like we're talking about the same game but me and you know how I am personally I am a little bit slow and behind the curb
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They do have on Capcom is having a sale right now but this one specifically the battle network joints is new and outside of MegaMan X is my favorite MegaMan game this is adult you should try it
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Yeah bro MegaMan battle network will have a dark like just the series I was a little more tornadoes expected like shit but she will designs pickled God is that man I love you Siri
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Alright, Ben, never heard of that before.
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