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Alright, what's the weirdest movie you've seen lately? Like, you know, small movie maybe no one's heard of. You know, because I just saw Bo's Afraid, which is weird, but also a big film that everyone knows about. For me, it's Hobo with a shotgun. My brother brought this. I believe it's from the same company that made a rubber. But I had never heard of it. It's really goofy. It's bad in some parts, but good in some. So it kind of evens out, but it was certainly like a hilarious watch just for how like campy it was.
Where does movie I seen lately there's a great new movie called Sisu about a guy who finds a bunch of gold and then gets hunted by ***** one is gold great like if you if you're a fan of like the John Wick movies you're gonna like this
I loved C. Sue or however it's pronounced. I drove, usually my theater's like 10 minutes away, I drove 26 minutes to see it because it was not at my normal theater and it was definitely worth it. I saw it in Dolby, it was gorgeous, cinematography was gorgeous, so much fun. Yeah, great movie.