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Alright, well if you haven't seen the news they're doing a Moana remake and I think it's going to be next year Which will pretty much be seven years after the first one came out not even a decade So it's not even like they're remaking an old one They're making a movie that just came out So I'm just kind of curious what people think about this because I've heard both sides I've heard people that are like I think it'll be really cool to see some real-life actors fill these roles Um, and then you have people like me I just think it's kind of a shit on the animation medium because most of this live-action movie is gonna be CGI anyway, right? And doing it so soon after it's like Disney was pretty much just like well We can just pump out an easy, you know, hundred million dollars, you know who cares and just after so many people put the time and art and creativity into The story of Moana as it pertains to the animation and the culture it just feels kind of like a I I don't know. I don't know if I like that, but interested to hear what other people think.
I think the fact that it's going to be like a live action kind of like a cartoon animated version yummy little bit excited by for it I love Moana it be kind of nice to see the rock like actually playing Maui and having the whole thing just come to life