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One of the biggest lessons that I've learned so far on my fitness journey is to simply be patient and that was definitely one of the hardest lessons. I used to be the kind of person who thought that I needed to work out every single day. I would push myself through pain and soreness, not even realizing that you see your gains when you're resting. Your muscles need time to rest and recover. So if you're working out every single day with no rest days, you're definitely doing more harm than good.
This is true you can kind of equate it to a lot of things in life like if we just go hard with everything in life every single day we're gonna get burned out and then you're forced to take rest days and I can try to put your momentum back so And figuring out days of the week and even syncing with cycles and syncing with just what's going on with your regular life to balance out those hard work out to
Honestly yes and a lot of people don't you know recognize or except it or maybe they do accept it but they don't actually do it but yeah definitely rest days are just as important