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Nobody talks about the period of loneliness you go through when you figure out your self-worth, when you figure out the things you want and you know you finally get an idea of your ideal partner or the direction you're going in, i.e. purpose. Things get a bit quiet, you just don't accept anything and anyone to come into that space and that can get a bit lonely. I'll be very honest this is a period where I'm trying to navigate through myself but I would love to know if anyone is going through this or has gone through this it would be amazing to just discuss.
I love the quiet. I've been single for 10 years and very comfortable in my being and very happy. You're not, I'm not lonely. I'm by myself, but I'm never alone.
Gem I am so happy that you have been single for so long and you are so content with yourself it's such a beautiful thing to say anything loading this is a bad thing I don't think feeling not feeling that is a bad thing I think each to their own but it's really nice to see that some people can relate and some people can't you know it's it's it's a balance
I love that you're bringing up this topic. I think it's a very valid one. And I sort of very much felt the same when I was like single and I was going through like working on myself. And just realizing that there's so many people that just don't align with that. And I think it was tough to some extent for a while, but then I realized that most of my relationships started to add up to those standards that I've set for myself. myself.
Thank you so much and Avelina for your point of you I also love that you said that you realised your relationships started to add up to the standards which I am finding as well I'm finding more people who are like what I want them up necessarily for me but I think I have been shown that what I want does exist so it is comfort Inn in the waiting season if that makes sense I think it's a normal emotion to go through
I love that you are a perfect example of hype and success it's a nice meeting and hearing stories from women like you because again it just adds to give me hope in the journey days periods of loneliness by literary literary literary period I am but I think it's interesting that once you stop entertaining the things that are not for you the quiet period cramps
Yeah the quiet period can be long because now you're knocking out things that just don't make sense for you especially for the period that you're going to win this newfound version of yourself because what are used to eat isn't it you're eating now if that makes sense but I really appreciate you sharing and I'm so happy for you honestly I don't even know you but it brings me joy here in success stories like this