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You know it's so wild to me how amazing a scent can make your day better. And I want to know what's your favorite scent in the whole world because mine is clean laundry. The smell of detergent just makes my day better and there's nothing better than fresh clean clothes anyways so I want to hear what you have to say.
I really loved the scent Pure Seduction by Victoria Secret when I was in high school and that's just kind of always been my favorite scent. That and if we're talking about like a guy's Just saying, old spice, Fiji is good.
Who is the other spice bomb food or Yeah anything like Hoody or the smell of ETA the right ETA at universal studios that ride has like a distinct like theme park universal studios smell like the I don't like the theme park smell the smell of adventure
So I was actually joking with a friend of mine about this I used to carry around a add one of those like liquid to foam hand sanitizers that was cotton scented I love the hell out of it they need to just spray it on my hands randomly throughout the day and just smell my hands until I found out that it actually helps get you high but yeah I would say Clean laundry to
Oh or or not hear me out because I have a routine of cleaning and I don't even realize it but when I clean I use Myers lavender scented cleaner and I use a hand soap to and I love blah blah blah blah that smell it brings me happiness
Fresh cut grass is just such a lovely scent. I absolutely love it every time. I mow my lawn or somebody else mows it and I can smell it. Oh, I just, it's heaven.