What's your favorite cultural meal? I'm Persian and there's something called Kubi de Khabob. And basically it's beef or lamb skewer. Sometimes it's a mix of both that served over rice with a side of grilled tomato and onion. And it's usually paired with something called Shirazi salad. And Shirazi salad consists of onions, tomatoes and cucumbers. It's really refreshing. It's amazing. All of my non-Persian friends love it. And so yeah, I would love to hear your favorite cultural food. And even if it's not from your culture, just something that you really love to enjoy. We'd love to hear all the suggestions you guys have to say because I would love to serve that in my own household.
Machuka that super good and it's good for your hell oh yes it's like the African food with the the food food something without the Play-Doh so I don't know but yes it's real good
Yes and it's very healthy very healthy very anno it tastes I know I know when you Google it it does not look good but I'm telling you once you taste that that's a so good but it's not mush like potatoes it's like like platinals but like you know you just must that up you know and then you just like put it together
So my family is from Kanaiwa and what I've enjoyed from my nursing is something for Haydn and Tertiary and Mazi as a Rupaksheta, Rupakasadiyya, Tertiary, as well as Rupaksheta. And there's also their opinions which are Kishti, Bresa and Bresa as well. very delicious.
My favorite cultural meal, it's a western meal. It's called curry chicken or jerk chicken. And another one is called mango. It's a breakfast meal. So those are my favorites.
I would most definitely have to say curry goat and white rice Show me some dumplings and some planting but if you're going to say like a main meal with most definitely have to be corridor and white rice
Yeah, so I'm from Albania and I've got a cultural meal we have often and it's like, it's called pita, so P-I-T-E and it's got different fillings that comes with like spinach, some with minced beef and even pumpkin. It varies but it's very my go-to if I'm having family around twenty seconds I don't
My favorite color rumors Macouba that sound my middle eastern dish Lebanese Iraqi on a Palestinian maybe even Jordanian it's kind of like upside down rice cake where are you take like boneless chicken thighs and you are you cook them in like a cast iron skillet room nice and let you know around or whatever on on both sides and then put them in a Oh man you know one of them Dutch oven kind of thing is when you had psoriasis
My favorite Indian food because I am Indian but have to be Nutella it's like the soy chunks but the way that my family makes it is like in this curry and that has like a bunch of vegetables bunch of like spices in it and with some rice the protein is amazing and it has a lot of fucking protein it's really good
I would definitely have to say Caribbean dish I really love curry chicken I'm smothered in extra curry sauce rice and peas cabbage and plantain is just such the perfect combination