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Alondra Ruiz 689d
Alondra Ruiz
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Sarah Gudmunson
John Sina 689d
John Sina
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Alright guys, I know a lot of people got the COVID vaccine and didn't get it, which, honestly, me being I didn't get it because I was a bit too pussy for that shit, but theory is they put a chip in you through the vaccine which they can control. Realistically, The main agenda right now is the government controlling the mass population. So you lot tell me.
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No, honestly I don't think they had such a chip because we already have our phones. That's enough to, you know, distract us and to even manipulate us with all the information media out there. It's humans were so easy to manipulate and then control over that we don't even realize it and they don't need to do that much to do. Like they don't need to go to that extent of putting a chip in us to control us. I think they'll already do.
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See me to this day are storing all my COVID vaccine. I never believed in it hence why I never got it but I feel like Covid vaccine was just a test to see how dumb the population was and clearly it succeeded.
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