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Alright guys, so we all know about the Titanic, the big shape that you know was meant to never ever be able to sink or braided on or whatever and it did. So, obviously there's a lot of conspiracy theories about this. Some say you know that it was just an unfortunate event. Some say it was a planned thing. So what the owner of the Titanic I'm pretty sure he he done an insurance maybe or he done something and for it to break down he was paid a lot a lot of money and I'm pretty sure he wasn't even on the Titanic so hey it's made me question a lot of things was it planned was it a money grab but then again, could it just be a lie and it could have just been an unfortunate event?
I feel like the Titanic Brawl was just one big insurance scam. They just tried to claim their money back because they saw it wasn't going to make it back.