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John Sina 689d
John Sina
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Alright guys, so you lot told me do you not believe in star sounds or do you think it's bullshit? I'm not gonna laugh Sometimes I'll be hearing these girls talking sometimes they're actually correct with that shit But then again a Slocky bullshit. But you told me
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Let's just say you like you woke up in the middle of the night, right? And let's say you smoke late. Let's say you want to smoke Some weed or something like that. Yeah, right and you went outside. You know, son You lost off like five minutes Then you see a bear a Bear in your backyard. You see it climbing your mother fucking fence to your backyard Are you running or you can go super saying?
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Teleport in the house, you know, because you can't fight the bear like if you if you think you can fire bear You must be crazy You know and especially at dark like that dude is looking for some food and yo I gonna be food if you fight that bear So I'm definitely gonna go Super Saiyan and nothing else going to hell. I'm... I'm wasting no time.
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As a Muslim, as a religious Muslim, we're taught not to believe about star signs because there's shriek. Me personally, I don't believe in none of that. I feel like it's all waffle. It's all like a facade.
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