So a few weeks ago I ran into a friend from childhood and we were reminiscing about high school. It's been almost 10 years since I graduated. I'm 27 years old so in case you can't do the math. And it was really cool to think back at that era. I actually really did like high school and a core memory I have is going to the senior rally. I was class of 2014 and we won and it was was just like this awesome top of the world feeling. And yeah, so now I wanna ask, What was your favorite high school moment?
I'm still in high school but mine is gonna be a lot less wholesome than that it was probably with me and my best friend started Molly off of a cookie jar on my birthday doesn't so bad or like with me and my friends did acid at the park and like walk to 7-Eleven and thought we were and make a video game and then they stuck me back into school and I had to pretend like I was a senior I need to stop doing drugs oh my god that is so bad
Unfortunately, I had an opposite high school experience. I hated high school and pretty much don't have anything attached to that. But senior year was like the enjoyable year. There were a lot of things going on and like the core memory for me was kind of dorky. But we did a Fiddler on the Roof, which I really enjoy as a musical. I had never done the music before and I tried out. I got the lead and that was just like the coolest three months. That was just so much fun. So that was a that was a pretty good core memory for me that I like to think back on, you know, when people talk about it.
My favorite high school moment is during football it was one game where I scored the only touchdown in the game I ended up winning a game I know very Al Bundy of me but yeah that was a great moment I was the only touchdown I scored in football ever and it was there in a game official game as a senior so yeah I'll never forget that I have it on tape and everything
I got to say my favorite high school memory it was the part where I graduated and didn't have to go to high school anymore but my second favorite was probably when my older brother introduced me to system of a down
I still have friends in high school from high school so like guys girls doesn't matter so they're actually really cool and I will always be friends with them and I lost some friends but I I think my favorite will always be prom. I loved prom, it was so fun.
I have two memories the first one was homecoming freshman year I love the music I love dancing it was so great it was so fun and then the other one was when we went all the seniors went to the water park and it was reserved just for us so nobody else was there and I wish I went to prom but
My favorite high school moment was when I was a sophomore. My dad was a basketball coach and my brother was on the basketball team and our boys basketball team went to state. And my birthday was around the time and so my parents got me a hotel room with three of my best friends in the town that we had stayed in. And though we did not win, it was just such a good time. one of my favorite memories for sure.
So for my school, my school was an all-boys school but we had two different all-girls schools next to us. Snow days were the worst day because walking up that road was just like war.
I'll Only because I was sent to Katie cell processes there forever and she didn't like it but I did second city when I was in high school and performing there definitely was my favorite part of high school