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probably one last time before I had to ask what is your favorite lunch you know it's between breakfast and dinner you never know what to choose but you got to choose right otherwise dinner's kind of ruined and sometimes we skip breakfast so a lot's riding on lunch people don't always anticipate it mine is grilled cheese and tomato soup always solid always solid I had it today actually it It was very solid.
On lunch I usually want something fulfilling but not too heavy so I'm gonna go like a salad with some salad I mean salmon or chicken or something like a Caesar salad so that way I can keep going but not to have you guys come put me to sleep
Yeah, see Mike, the problem with a Caesar is that cheese, you know, you got too much cheese on there. It's slowing you down for sure. Like you gotta be, it's gotta be a light Caesar, light chicken, light cheese. Because if you don't, if you have one of those quantities too much, like in excess, you're screwed. You know Caesar's like a it's a it's on the fence her kind of lunch, but I feel you
I would like, saffodur all, right? Some grapes, a slice of ham. Just a single slice? Yeah, just a single slice of ham. Right, okay. And maybe a packet of crisps. Has to be ready salted though. No, it's easy. This is where you're going, man. So, when I get my lunch break at work, straight to the sandwich shop called Connie's. Best thing on the last bit.
See, you said maybe Apacacris. I'm assuming you mean chips with your accent, but you got to have chips, right? Like, you're talking about a high salt lunch right there. Like, if you're going to go for the all-in sodium levels, you got to just go for it. You know, you can't just, you can't walk around it. You already had a slice of ham. a hand. We were worried about your salt intake on a pack of chips. Nah, nah, you gotta go all in.
Well if I'm just gonna make some thing out of leftovers which is usually what I do I make a rice bowl just put whatever I have in the refrigerator in there I love it it's delicious I got a bunch of sauces I mix in it's good
Rice bowls are like the underrated 2010s to the future like Thing you know, I think Chipotle they pioneered them But then we just took it to a whole new level You can have cold rice bowls, hot rice bowls, like you can do rice bowls with anything. Rice bowls are here to stay.