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Jennica 699d
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I took a couple weeks off my social medias it was very much needed I was getting very overwhelmed with like messages and comments and replies and just like putting out content it's it's a lot with having to also like do your real your real real world stuff that's OK this is a real world stuff because a lot of people get paid off the social media stuff And that is the goal is do you guys take social media breaks every so often or what are some reasons you take me social media breaks
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I think this is so important with so many things going on in life. I feel like we're all kind of stuck on our phones looking on social media, this and that. So I feel like it's important to do that, even just for your own mental health. taking breaks from things is always helpful.
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No I totally agree because he start comparing yourself or you know you can start really affecting you with all like the information you get out at such a high speed it's a lot to take in all the time so just put the phone down a little bit
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