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Right now I'm working on building my upper body strength to be able to do a full pull up with no assistance not the little bar weighted thing nothing no assistance I wanna be able to pull myself up just with my grip strength then do it for pull up that is one of my fitness goals right now is there anything you are working towards when you go work out are you trying to get a bigger butt so you're getting more weights on your squats what are you doing I would like to know
I am really trying to focus on toning my core and just getting like rock hard abs pretty much also I feel like my ass is just getting like so fat that my pants are fitting so I want to produce legwork for sure
A fat ass is never a problem girl please please don't do that what it what can you say or no what does Sir Mix-A-Lot say you can do the sit so please don't lose that but come on girl
I honestly like only wear stretchy pants I may be on two pairs of jeans if that and if they fit that day they do if they don't then I'm not wearing jeans
I don't know if you do this already but if you start lifting weights like gradually go higher in your weight with your set so start at a higher at a low way and then go up to like high repetition and then keep going down so I had heard from you explain
I'm just working towards listening to my body and trying to move it more often rather than forcing myself to work out every day or do certain exercises I'm just listening to my body and making sure that I'm moving it even if that that's just stretching
You should really look into cycle thinking that's what I do with my workouts it's like working out with the phases of your menstrual cycle and you'll see that you're only really supposed to lift like heavy like one week out of out of your whole cycle and the rest should be just
Yeah, overall my fitness goal at the moment is to get a lean cut and just lower areas to improve myself is things like grip and get more cardio in to be honest and yeah that's about it
And I are inspiring me I might go to the park before I get home today and try to do are used to be able to do like seven a ton of them I got to 15 a couple times but I'm pretty much back down to five a thing but I'm a take this challenge and do it today
Same girl I have a homegirl who's my trainer and also my friend but when I'm paying her to trade me we are not friends you are not you are the enemy at this point
Yeah I should've gone for the stretch however I also wanted to gauge how well I could do without a stretch and it was great but remember it's 8 to 10 just after the first try