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Zay stantana 522d
Zay stantana
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Alan R 522d
Alan R
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Senor Pequenos
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Ilie Jon Mititelu
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Maria Sophocli
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Guys, you know you be seeing fucking McDonald's fucking advertising. They got them healthiest cows I'm gonna be eating a grass and all that shit But then I can door you ever seen that flat? Oh The me just looks real fake. I don't understand it. So my opinion My opinion at this point here God knows is the meat roll is it fake is it I don't know. Is it some process and the funny thing is the we say 100% beef but hey Got this point you get you go remember how many customers are they running through? How many cows are they killing at this point? You get could this be some fake process stuff where? you know it brings out more products but I don't know
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The fuck else is it going to be
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It is real meat, but the quality of the meat varies. McDonald's uses like probably every part of the fucking animal, and even the animals that are sick. It just stuffs them in a big blender and there's your burger.
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I, you know, I kind of believe it is, or at least it was, real meat at a time. You know, they show all the fucking documentaries and bring in scientists and shit. I'm like, you know, I believe at one point it came from, you know, an animal. Now, you can have the best meat around, though, and when you toss it in a little piss container that they keep everything in it in McDonald's, it's going to come out like shit. So I trust them less for what they do with it in the store than where it comes from.
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Fuck those bruv via fucking Tesco to tell you that
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I'm gonna say it's real meat which is no good.
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