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Okay, so this applies to your partner, your friends, your family members, the people at work, at school, anything involving another human being. I want to know what's an excuse you use to get out of seeing someone because when I was in high school I was not creative and I just did the, oh I have too much homework excuse to not do certain things so I could hang out with the guy I was really into at the time. Uh, not wise. I definitely don't endorse this behavior, but I would love to know what kind of excuses you guys made up.
One of my favorites that I use every day, well at least every time when I need an excuse, I always put on a haunting voice, and then I go, I stare at them with bug eyes, and then I say, No, I can't do that. Not since the incident.
Okay, so this literally just happened to me like yesterday. I was needed for a parade for marching band and I was actually helping out clean like a building and stuff like that but they needed more bass drummers. So I said, I can't, I'm helping clean out the building. So I mean like, I guess I try to lie, but lie with a little bit of truth. That way if you're ever caught, You always can like kind of explain yourself and get out of it easier
A more like a straight up person in some cases and I will you say no like I don't want you like to know be involved in this if he's like a friend or like someone you were going to hang out with I will like just say my parents won't let me go out today or I may with my mom or something
Julie it's that I have some thing already going on or that I have too much stuff to do at home or that I'm tired from work I mean a lot of them are actual things I have to do but you know they're also very convenient ways to get out of stuff
OK so I'm old I'm like I'm like put them on mute Amoco my mom and family I'm gonna have to ignore I'm like my my friend with me to see them or whoever it is they want me to see them but I don't want to see that so tell him to be like I can't see them is like that and yeah