Getting straight into this because I keep hearing it everywhere. Imagine this your ex texted you saying they miss you What would you do? Would you troll them? Would you block them? Would you leave them on red? Would you text back trying to talk things out or trying to meet up with them again? Let me know I'm actually civil with all my exes and so in my case I would just text back and be like, huh? like Hello to you too, or you know, I would take the silence as golden route, you know, I feel like it's just better not to answer like like some things are better off on said. But yeah, would love to hear your thoughts.
You know, you need to realize that you dictate the communication you and your ex have. So if they reach out, it's okay to answer, but just make sure that you don't give more than they're giving you. So stand your ground, know your worth, and traverse the way you want.
Yes, big on not giving them more than they're giving you. You know, you have to make sure the energy is reciprocated the right way and to have a balance of power. So thank you for sharing that.
Obviously everyone's different, but I think I would just simply thank them for sharing that with me because that is a nice thought, right? reminiscing and whatnot, but you know just Just tell them to have a good day. You know, just leave it at that. nothing else.
What you said was definitely hands down my favorite answer on this thread because I tell people there's two ways you could respond. Either A, say something nice back and hope it ends the conversation there, or B, silence is golden. There are sometimes where, you know, things are better left unsaid and it really does depend on the energy of the way the conversation is going. So yeah, gotta give you a lot of respect for that.
Well, I would just respond with something that the wise jack black one said. Well, fuck you, you fucking dick. You try to invent something like n-word singing for once, you fucking dick. Fucking nay saying. Always fucking nay saying. Fuck you, you fucking dick.