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What do you guys think about sleepovers? Growing up, I was not able to have any sleepovers, even with very select few family members. But would you allow your children to have sleepovers? why or why not?
I mean it depends, cause you spend the night at the homie house, y'all just playing video games all night. Spending the night at a white person house, man. you're playing practical pranks that are gonna traumatize you. That's the effects one.
I totally agree on the neighbor's house thing because you just never know who people are on the inside. Like, things could be going on and you would have no idea and that would just stress me out.
Sleepovers at like my in-laws or my parents house is fine. I don't think I'm gonna branch out to cousins and other stuff just because I don't know that just I don't think it's going to happen. It just stresses me out too much.
I totally agree with this. My in-laws are good, my parents are good. I don't even think I would allow my kids to sleep at my siblings' house just because I don't want to have to control who comes over and who doesn't and have to stress about that.
I allowed my kids to have sleepovers. I had a lot of friends. And it didn't bother me. And they should have that. It lets them spend time with their friends doing things at night that they would normally be able to do because
Yeah I agree they are extremely protective especially of the women but I think a lot of the deal with like like you said culturally but I think in like our home country I am women are just taken advantage of so easily
and kids in general as well. So yeah, I feel like I really resented my parents growing up that they didn't let me have sleepovers, but now thinking about it, I'm so grateful because who knows what could have happened.
I had a sleepover is when I was a kid but nowadays I think it's harder to find someone that you trust to have your child overnight so I was very on the fence area so I guess it just depends on who it is
I think it depends on the age that my kids are and they're friends with whom I feel like if it's fine let's say I'm with someone that I know for years and I know that they're really really
Like I know for a fact that they're really good people and they'll take care of my baby girl and then at the time that my son actually knows how to speak unless how to be vocal about behavior that's not supposed to be
Yeah, I agree about the being vocal part and knowing what's like good behavior. I agree with that because even for like a daycare right now, I'm lucky enough that I'm able to stay home with my girls. but once I start bringing them to like 4K, I want them to be able to understand the difference.
To know the differences and to be able to tell me things that they feel like are wrong, you know? Like, I want them to be able to come to me and be like, they, this happened, I don't think that this is right, so I want to teach them like you know the differences between good and bad.
I don't think I would allow that. I already told like my husband and I made that decision for the both of us and like our friends and family that my daughter is not going to be a lot of for sleepovers because.
I just can't put on my truck that much trust in other people to take care of my kid specially when she's like a little girl you know like horror stories out there
Yeah, I totally agree with that. I wouldn't just not feel comfortable with my kids going anywhere. It's just too much, I don't know, too much trust in other people. And it's not even other people, It's just like what could happen on wherever they're at, you know?
Yeah I didn't like it growing up obviously and you sound pretty young so I'm just gonna assume you don't have kids but once I did have kids and was exposed to real world as shit I'm even just like traveling to other places and other countries and being exposed to like what really happens behind closed doors I just wouldn't put my kids in that situation if I can prevent it you know
I feel that, but like, my parents would always want to meet the other person's parents before they let me go over there, but like after that they didn't give a shit. I saw him 17, so I don't have kids, but, you know.